EGYPT: April 25 - May 18, 2004

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Friday April 30th, 2004 - Felucca Trip Day II
Friday, April 30th, 2004 - Felucca Trip Day II (Happy Birthday Tiia, I'm thinking of you!!)

This day could only be called relaxing. In the morning, we visited the Temple of Kom Ombo (see pictures). For the rest of the day, we watched life on the river banks of the Nile passing by and I tell you, this was one of the best and most relaxing experiences of my life. Everyone should spend a day on a felucca at least once in a lifetime to know what real peace of mind feels like! I was especially thinking of all my dear colleagues back at CallHR who are working so hard, trying to manage their stressful everyday life on the job. Guys, I tell you what: Forget about the office and come to join Captain Farah and his crew; you will never forget this experience!

To give you a little idea bout the temperature here, we had 40 degrees in the sun today, still leaving about 32 degrees in the shade. This is totally normal for this time of year and as Farah told us, when it gets "cold" on the Nile, we're talking about 20-25 degrees Celsius. At 18 degrees, it's "freezing"! Some of us couldn't stand the heat at some point and took a bath in the Nile. Apparently, the water was quite refreshing but I didn't try it myself due to some "female restrictions" which by the way didn't make my life without toilet facilities any easier! But girls, everything is manageable…

In the afternoon, Farah entertained us with some match tricks. In spite of his lack of education in the classic sense, the guy is pretty smart! Well, for most of the day I just enjoyed the peace and beautiful landscape passing by. It is amazing what variety can be observed in terms of different types of landscape existing along the Nile. From deserted sand dunes to rich tropical green, everything can be found, often very close to each other. What makes it all even more beautiful is the silence: You hear no sound but the water around the felucca and sometimes some animals on the shore. You can actually see them as well: mainly white cranes, dark African cows and lots of donkeys. From time to time one of the big Nile cruise ships comes along. Most of them are mid-sized, loud and dirty. On our felucca, we basically pitied the poor people onboard. At night, we had a fire and music again, this time on a much more pleasant island than the night before. Actually, this island seemed to be used as farmland for some villagers and we had the occasion to watch some of them doing their work. In return, we were object to curious eyes of some children, watching us from a safe distance until it was time for them to return to their houses on the other islands close by.

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