ARGENTINA: February 3 - March 2, 2005

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Buenos Aires - La Recoleta (continued)
Cemeterio de la Recoleta
Evita's grave in the tomb of "Familia Duarte"
View inside some tombs
Outside the cemetary a weekend fair takes place on the surrounding paths, attracting street performers and crowds of tourists
Giant Ombu trees at Plaza Alvear
Buenos Aires - City Impressions Their roots were absolutely amazing
Walking back to the city centre from La Recoleta
A professional paseaperros (literally "dog walker ") with his bunch of customers
Big Ben's little brother : el Torre de los Ingleses near Retiro Train Station
Buenos Aires - San Telmo
This neighbourhood has the city's richest concentration of tango culture, especially on Sunday's antique fairs. I just loved watching them... God, would I dance with this man!
Tango is performed anywhere in the streets of San Telmo - as documented even in wall paintings in the area
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Other street artists perform the weirdest kind of "art"