BOLIVIA: March 10 - March 17, 2005

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Still on tour towards Salar de Uyuni
Passing more flamingo lagoons on the way...
... one of which became the unique background to our lunch break today
Still driving through an ever changing landscape of surreal beauty
Until we arrived at our overnight accommodation - entirely built out of salt!
Our "Welcome Committee"
The tables and beds were pure salt blocks, the floor salt granulate
View towards the salt flats
The outside bathroom
The kids were gorgeous and very keen to wear our sun glasses - for lack of knowledge upside down!
Later they took us out to show us their village - quite a dry and desolate place but they loved playing with the guys!
Sunrise above the salt flats just after 6 a.m. on Day 3
I'll never forget the jam session we improvised this night!
Starting out into the salt flats... on the right picture the last "shop" we passed before setting out for "Salar de Uyuni"...

And now get ready for some of the most amazing pictures you will see on this entire website!!

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