CHILE: Feb. 25/26, March 2-9, May 2-4, 2005

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San Pedro de Atacama towards Bolivia
Landscape impressions around San Pedro de Atacama and from the town
Flamingos in a laguna
Inside the Museo Archeológico Padre Le Paige
The mummies on display were quite impressive, especially the showcase on the left. You can see the skulls of different indigenous tribes that recognised themselves by the shape of their heads. The mummy of the baby in the middle showed how they formed the skulls of their infants, using stones and bandages to mold the soft bones into the shape typical for their people.
In Town
The display of a primitive tomb
The modified 17th-century church Iglesia San Pedro was built with local materials - adobe, wood from the cardón cactus and leather straps in lieu of nails.
I had dinner here at "Todo Natural" - a very nice and healthy restaurant
The streets of San Pedro when I got up at 7am to depart towards Bolivia. On the left is my hostel "Sumaj-Jallpa" which translates into "Tierra Buena" and was indeed a nice place to stay.
On the road towards Bolivia
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Turning around at the border, this is the last sign of la "Republica de Chile"