CHILE: Feb. 25/26, March 2-9, May 2-4, 2005

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Crossing the Strait of Magellan to Tierra del Fuego
Me following the traces of Magellan - the first man who started out to sail around the world in 1519
What didn't look big at all on the map, turned out to seem like an ocean once I was there
The wind, the waves, the marram grass and the stones on the beach - everything was just like back home
Well, everything except the queue of cars waiting for the ferry! (see picture above)
Finally, the right ferry arrived (it was not the one pictured here) and the wind had slowed down, so we could get on
Unfortunately, tourists were not the only creatures being shipped across the strait in heaps. Seeing several of these sheep-transporters was heart-breaking and just one more reason for me not to eat meat.
The first piece of land I saw of Tierra del Fuego when driving off the ferry by bus!
Admittedly, the very first impression was that of a vast, windy and abandoned piece of land
Bienvenido a la Isla Grande Tierra del Fuego!
To see more of Tierra del Fuego, click on the picture on the left which takes you to the respective page in the Argentina section. To return here, please use the backwards button of your internet explorer. To see more Pictures of Chile, please click here.
To return to the general Chile Section, please click here.