UNITED STATES: September 26 - December 3, 2004

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Pensacola after Hurricane 'Ivan' hit on September 15/16, 2004
This used to be a Jewish Synagogue built in 1931
What now looks like modern art used to be a pier on the beach
Aaron next to an unrooted tree
The same tree here on the left
Some houses were still covered by fallen trees and branches
A bent speed limit sign - I guess Ivan did not stick to 30 miles/hour! Elsewhere people start to clean up
In some streets, the "natural debris" piled up a few metres
The "Blue House" on the beach, one of the most destroyed homes I've seen
A former beach bar now bearing affectionate messages to their customers
This used to be the roof of a front porch
Ops, right here between the church and another building!
You think something is missing on this church?
Right! Where's the roof top? Me while taking all these pictures
Strange how sometimes one home was hit pretty bad while the neighbour has no damage at all
This house (and tree) still looked the same when I left - almost 3 months after the hurricane!
And yet, people here do not give up!
This house is basically not existing anymore - only the couch is still standing in what I guess used to be the living room...
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