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What's going on Today?
Basel, January 15th, 2006


Yes, I am back !!!

Finally you might say after almost 3 months without an update on this page... well, I apologise for that but life was quite hectic and it took me a tiny bit longer to set up internet connection at my new home. Anyway, I am alive and well, so that's good news!

I will write some more soon, for now just enjoy the pictures below to get a glimpse of my new life since I moved to Switzerland. Oh yes and by the way: Happy New Year to All of You - wherever you are in the world!

Martina :o)

P.S.: If you want to know more about my job and where I work now, please visit my archived news dated October 20th, 2005.

November 13th, 2005 : Me on the ship leaving Helgoland



So, what's new on

15.01.: This page's update

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Novartis global headquarters where I go to work every morning My desk at the office with the flowers I got on my first day
Moving in phase 1: nothing but a lot of space!
Moving in phase 2: the arrival of my stuff - over 70 items in total!
Moving in phase 3: building up furnitures - in other words time to bring in the family support
10 hours later... Yeah!
Moving in phase 4: unpacking!!! All you see in this picture is only paper stuff for my desk!
My mom sewing curtains on December 23rd... hence the tree and Christmas decoration.
Finally the result: My lovely new living room!
My mom, sister and I on Christmas Eve. My dad and Sonja immersed in their presents...
My very first Christmas Tree!
And this is a world premiere:

Me cooking Christmas dinner!!!!!!!!!!

(and yes, I am wearing ski goggles while cutting onions)