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What's going on Today?
Basel, April 1st, 2006

My New Life has begun...

Hello Everybody,

Can you believe that I am in Basel for 4.5 months already?!? I find it unbelievable how time flies when you have a regular life - something I totally forgot while travelling!

Indeed, my life has been quite busy since I moved to Switzerland with getting into the new job, settling into my new home, basically setting up a whole new life. But so far, everything is going really well. I like my job and appreciate the company I work for. I have very nice colleagues and I LOVE my apartment. Finally a home again! It’s still not fully furnished but it makes me happy each time I come home.

Yes, I do work a lot but I am very conscious of my hours and I'm determined not to fall back into bad habits. Once a workoholic - never again! Instead, I slowly make my way back into normal life outside the office: I go to the gym, started dancing again and began to sing in a choir. Besides, I enjoy Basel’s very rich cultural offer and regularly go to musicals, shows or to the movies. It is amazing – basically all I wished for, all the things I missed so much during my trip, have materialised. Altogether I feel blessed and I am very happy these days.

The only downside of this new busy life is that I am hardly ever at home in the evenings and I know some of you have tried to call me during the past weeks and probably already wondered if I was still alive. Well, I am, alive and kicking and although I apologise for not being quite accessible these days, I enjoy the feeling that this is only the beginning of a great new chapter of my life!

Martina :o)

January 2nd, 2006 : Me on the ship leaving Helgoland after I came home for New Year as a surprise for my parents


So, what's new on

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1.04.: This page's update

My Birthday 2006 - what a difference to last year!
The BIG SNOW in Basel on March 5th, 2006
View from my bedroom window
Guess what this is...
... the fir tree on my roof terrace!
Snow birth of a tree
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