EGYPT: April 25 - May 18, 2004

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Valley of the Kings in Luxor
With my donkey Mishlawa
Me on top of Magic Mountain
Our path down Magic Mountain
Unfortunately even here: heaps of garbage in the middle of nowhere
View over the Nile Valley after climbing Magic Mountain
View on the Tombs of the Nobles
Temple of Hatshepsut built into Magic Mountain
Deir al-Bahri, the Temple of Hatshepsut, seen from the top of Magic Mountainm
Sarah and Alyson on the descend On the ferry back to Luxor on the East Bank of the Nile
Temple of Hatshepsut
Mount Sinai
Sunrise at 5:40 AM
View from the top of Mt Sinai
Camel on Mount Sinai
Mountain Top I did it!!
Me under Moses' burning bush at St. Katherine's Monastery
Town of St. Katherine's
Desert Trekking Chapel on Mt. Sinai
Interesting Rock Formations
Ready for the desert?!
Sarah and Vincent Erin Alyson - or Grace Kelly? Steve alias Frodo
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