EGYPT: April 25 - May 18, 2004

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More Pictures from Egypt
St. Bishoi Monastery
Hermits' Cells Me on the bus...
Old drawbridge to enter the inner fort
Inside the monastery
Ancient door to protect the fort
Western Desert
Church inside the monastery
On the way tro Siwa A rest stop in the middle of nowhere
Siwa Oasis A happy cat having lunch
Temple of the Oracle Impressions of Siwa
Mountain of the Dead
Street Light in Siwa
Plastic bottles somewhere in a backyard...
Western Desert Safari
and finally desert
then dry earth...
then more salt than lake...
First salt lake...
Ancient olive press in a deserted village
Ruins of a Graeco-Roman village
Local post office - pidgeon holes (hello to CallHR!)
Taking a swim in Cleopatra's Bath
Urgh, what's that??? (seaweed)
Western Desert
Natural hot spring in the desert
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