ARGENTINA: February 3 - March 2, 2005

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Pictures from Argentina
Buenos Aires - Plaza de Mayo
On the square in front of Casa Rosada
The world famous Casa Rosada Evita's balcony from where she energized the crowds in the 1940s
The remodeled Museo del Cabildo is all that's left of the colonial arches that once surrounded Plaza del Mayo
Catedral Metropolitana on Plaza de Mayo
Inside the cathedral : the neoclassical structure was finished in 1827 and contains the tomb of liberator José de San Martín (in the right picture)
Buenos Aires - La Boca
Built by Italian immigrants from Genoa, La Boca is Buenos Aires' working-class quarter. If you don't come on a guided city tour, it is unlikely you'll see this place as the area is not considered safe for foreigners.
La Boca "behind the tourist scene"
Nevertheless, tourists gather to visit colorful "Caminito" (named after a popular tango song) , a short pedestrian walk lined with souvenir shops and local artists displaying their paitings.
Tango performance in the streets of La Boca (photo taken by S.D.)
Argentina`s most popular heroes: Juan Perón, Evita and Diego Maradona waving from a balcony
Tribute to Argentina's Gauchos (photo taken by S.D.)
Buenos Aires - La Recoleta
As some of you may remember from my pictures taken in New Orleans, I am a big fan of cemetaries.

The Cementerio de la Recoleta is a labyrinth of beautiful tombs and stunning photo ops.

The Jesus statue looked as if it would come alive any second but these cats were the only living creatures around the tombs - apart from plenty of tourists that I successfully managed to keep out of my pictures!
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Two unusual tombs designed by especially creative architects