EGYPT: April 25 - May 18, 2004

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Pictures from Egypt
The Pyramids at Giza
Me and the Sphinx
Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), 2570 BC
Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren), son of Khufu
Replica of Khufu's solar barque that was found next to the pyramids to provide transport for the pharaoh in the afterworld
Aswan & the Nile
Philae Temple on Agilkia Island
Felucca on the Nile
View from our hotel's breakfast room up and down the Nile
Old Cataract Hotel in Aswan - this is where Agatha Christie wrote "Death on the Nile"
Panoramic View of the West Bank from Kitchener's Island, Aswan
Abu Simbel
Temple of Ramses II (left) and Temple of Nefertari (right), Ramses' favourite wife and the only Queen who ever had a temple built for her
Life on the Nile
Trying Sugar Kane
Me with Egyptian head jewellry borrowed from Alyson
Felucca Feeling...
Temple of Kom Ombo Me in Cleopatra's Bath at Kom Ombo
Temples of Edfu & Karnak
Temple of Karnak
Temple of Horus, the Falcon God of the Sky, in Edfu - above the "Passage of Victory"
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